In the Ghosts of Verdansk limited-time mode, players can find ringing phones, which upon interaction will trigger a voice line from Ghostface, addressing the player's Operator character by name.

If the player equips a knife as their showcase weapon, Ghostface's equip animation will change from pulling out a knife from behind their back to spinning the knife in their hand.This does not apply when using shotguns or pistols as the display weapon.Ghostface has a unique pose when walking in the menu screen, either holding a weapon by the hip or their knife above their head.Their existence would eventually be confirmed by the official Call of Duty official Twitter account moments after.On Octowith Season Six update, Ghostface was accidentally revealed early due to a bug that would kick players out of their Zombie lobbies.Ghostface will reference elements from the Scream franchise in voicelines, such as mentioning the fictional Stab film series and Randy Meeks's rules about surviving a horror movie.Ghostface's Finishing Move, "Violent End", is a direct reference to a death scene in Scream (2022).